Кои сме ние?
Кои сме ние?

Кои сме ние?

Ние сме екип от ИТ експерти в различни технологични области и бизнес професионалисти, които предоставят много бързи и висококачествени ИКТ услуги и решения в областта на:

Какво предлагаме?
Какво предлагаме?


Какво предлагаме?

Нашата основна бизнес цел е да предоставяме изброените по-долу услуги на достъпна цена:

  •  SECaaS - сигурност като услуга, предлагана на месечна база.
  •  Интеграция в облак и автоматизация (DevOps).
  •  Надеждни и комплексни ИКТ услуги, обхващащи конкретната технологична област на клиента.
  •  Софтуерна къща - услуги за разработване на софтуерни продукти.

Ние сме вашият бутиков ИТ магазин и доставчик на услуги, където можете да намерите необходимите ИТ и бизнес умения за управление на пълния жизнен цикъл на вашата ИТ среда.


Защо AdvisionIT?
Защо AdvisionIT?

Защо Advanced Vision IT?

  •  Mожем да Ви предоставим отлична стойност на доста конкурентна цена.
  •  Искаме да бъдем Ваши партньори и да се развиваме заедно с Вас.
  •  Грижим се за Вашия бизнес така, както се грижим за нашия.
  •  Ако Вие сте успешни, ние също сме успешни.
  •  Гордеем се с работата си.
  •  Можем да видим пълната картина на Вашите нужди в областта на ИКТ.
Как правим всичко това?
Как правим всичко това?

Как правим всичко това?

  •  Ние ще разберем в дълбочина Вашите бизнес идеи и/или технически изисквания.
  •  Ще проведем „брейнсторминг“ и ще Ви представим няколко решения, от които да избирате.
  •  Ще Ви предложим най-доброто и ще Ви обясним недостатъците и предимствата на всеки вариант, за да можете да вземете решение.

Welcome to Advanced Vision IT!

We are a leading technology solutions provider based in Luxembourg and Bulgaria, dedicated to empowering businesses with cutting-edge IT services and innovative solutions. With a relentless commitment to excellence, we strive to deliver transformative results and drive success for our clients.

Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business. We believe in building strong and long-lasting partnerships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and open communication. We listen attentively to their requirements, concerns, and feedback and proactively work to exceed their expectations. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to delivering exceptional service and support, ensuring that our client's IT infrastructure is secured and runs smoothly and efficiently.


Yavor Y. Zlatev, CEO of AdvisionIT

With his 20 years of experience in the IT field, Yavor Y.Zlatev (LinkedIn Profile) had the chance to participate in various projects abroad, having lived for 15 years outside of Bulgaria. His main projects involved building and maintaining client IT environments in familiar technological domains relevant to every company working with Data (Linux, Microsoft, Computer Networks, Cybersecurity, and Databases). Yavor has extensive experience with Software Developomemt&DevOps environments over the years.

In the past ten years, Yavor has been actively working on developing AdvisionIT. The main idea is to provide a "Full Lifecycle "of IT and Business services a company needs from a single Service Provider. The company offers a whole stack of Services – from Software Development to Cloud IntegrationCybersecurity, IT Management and Marketplace. Yavor has extensive experience in Fintech, Gamming&Betting industry, Cybersecurity, eCommerce, Telecom(Data Center), and Cloud industry. 



Alexander Boychev, Senior Account Manager

Alexander Boychev (LinkedIn Profile link) is a Senior Technical Account Manager at AdvisionIT. He is responsible for providing technical guidance    and information to clients on various software and hardware solutions related to Cloud, Cybersecurity and technology domain services. Some of    his primary responsibilities and duties include building and maintaining client relationships. He is often the main point of contact with the clients.    He is responsible for providing pre-sales and after-sales services to clients.

He profoundly understands the company's products and technologies and can help clients find the best ones. He plays a vital role in ensuring    clients succeed using the company's products and technologies. Also leads projects as a Project Manager related to the company's products and technologies. He works with clients to define their project requirements, help them determine the optimal budget and manage timelines and deliverables.


Miroslav Sultanov, Technical Account Manager

Miroslav Sultanov (LinkedIn Profile link) is a Technical Account Manager at AdvisionIT, and his main goal is to provide pre-sales and after-sales    services to clients. He helps them with the technical aspects of cybersecurity products and solutions and creates customized multi-vendor    proposals that include cybersecurity services and cloud technologies. He also collaborates with the rest of the IT and Project Management team    as a Project Coordinator/Project Manager. Miroslav has a technical background in Software Development and QA and, at the same time, is a    certified technical account manager professional with vendors like Sophos, AWS etc.

He strives to generate new business opportunities from new and existing clients and analyzes the client's business and technical requirements for Software Development, Cloud, and Cybersecurity solutions. He develops project implementation plans and their necessary documentation.